Grief is complex, it’s complicated and it’s messy. Whilst everyone grieves differently there are some common threads and themes it can be helpful to know. Our ‘Growing with grief: Guide to an undiscussed topic’ live talks are online information sessions led by a bereavement support worker. They cover the impact of grief, common feelings and ways to cope. We run talks for grieving young people aged 16-25 years old and for parents, carers and other family members supporting grieving children and young people. The talks are free to join and held online via Zoom.
Our Growing with Grief live talk covers understanding your feelings and responses after the death of someone important; how grief impacts us and the changes of emotions and behaviours you may experience; coping strategies and how to address difficult feelings.
The sessions are anonymous and it’s up to you whether you submit questions or simply observe and listen. Click the button below to see the dates and times and book your place via Eventbrite.
Book a talk