Dear Maisie (7),
Things are tough right now, we’ve always hated change, and ironically, that doesn’t change. People say change is good, but not always. Somethings you don’t understand, and you won’t for a while, but that’s okay. Even adults don’t have the answers to everything.
I know you miss your big sister; you ask Mummy when she is coming home from her travels, but in some way, she isn’t far away. Maybe we’ll see her again someday, but maybe we won’t. I just want you to know that it does get easier. Over time when we look back at the memories we have with her, we don’t get sad anymore, we are happy because we have those memories. We are happy because we are so lucky to have something of her to cherish.
There is a saying along the lines of: you shouldn’t cry because you’re sad, you should smile because you’ve had love. But it’s also okay to cry. I still cry. Although the pain will get easier, it still remains. But it’s okay to struggle, to be exhausted and mentally drained, I just want you to know that you aren’t alone. You are loved and surrounded by the most amazing people. A lot of them don’t and won’t understand what you have lost and are going through, but they don’t need to. Just absorb the love and support, we need it.
Some days you will feel happy again and other days you won’t understand how you feel, you’re only little, you don’t need to understand. Just know that with every day, you will get stronger.
And give Mummy and Daddy all the love and cuddles you can give right now; you all need each other to get through this. And together you will.
Maisie (23)